Jugs Midnight Indoor Pickleballs (6, 12, 72, or 200 Balls)

Product Description

Looking for a dark indoor ball? You're search is over. Midnight Indoor Pickleballs are designed for players who desire more contrast between gym walls and the ball. Light-colored balls can easily blend into the wall color, making them difficult to see. These balls are Jugs Indoor Balls, that are dyed to a dark color. The dye does not impact the play of the ball. The soft, slightly-textured surface of the ball gives them a fun bounce and great performance.

The balls have a diameter of 2.875” and a light weight of only 0.81 ounces. These energetic balls have the largest bounce of any ball, measuring an average bounce height of 37”.

These balls have garnered rave reviews from customers who love the drastic contrast in color between the walls of their indoor venue and the uniquely-colored balls. They’re also unique only to PickleballCentral.

Available in the following colors: indigo blue, black and pink.

Please note: 200 ball quantity will be shipped in bulk and not bagged by the dozen.


$ 24.99

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Josh Christensen