Chicco Cortina Together Double Stroller, Minerale

$ 299.99 Sale

Brand: Chicco

Color: Minerale


  • Accepts 2 key Fit or Fit2 infant car seats (no adapter needed)
  • 2 Standard stroller seats with reclining backrests and independent canopies
  • Self-standing fold can be activated with one hand
  • Interchangeable child arm bar and cup holders
  • 3-Position padded handle and parent tray with 2 cup holders
  • Folded Dimensions: 47.75" x 23.5" x 16.75"

Binding: Baby Product

Publisher: Chicco

Release Date: 31-05-2018

Details: For infants, The Chicco Cortina together double stroller accepts two key Fit or Fit2 car seats, one in each seat. (Sold separately) The front seat folds forward and the rear seat reclines to accept the car seat with integrated click-in attachment. No adapter needed!

two padded stroller seats with independent, adjustable and removable canopies accommodate older children. Both seats recline for comfort, with a multi-position full recline and cozy infant enclosure in the rear seat. The front seat includes interchangeable cup holders and a padded arm bar. All-wheel suspension and optional toe-tap swivels help maintain a smooth ride from surface to surface.

the Cortina together has a one-hand-activated, standing fold for easier maneuvering and storage. The parent tray includes two cup holders and storage for smaller items, and an oversized basket with rear zipper access provides ample space for larger items. A padded 3-position handle comfortably accommodates mom or dad, AND toe-tap brakes keep the stroller in place when parked.

accepts 2 key Fit or Fit2 infant car seats (no adapter needed> 2 standard stroller seats with reclining backrest> self-standing fold can be activated with one hand
all-wheel suspension and locking front swivels
one-touch rear brakes with toe-tap activation
extra-large storage basket with rear zipper access
interchangeable child arm bar and cup holders> 2 independent adjustable/removable canopies> 3-position padded handle accommodates mom or dad
parent tray with 2 cup holders and storage

Package Dimensions: 39.0 x 21.0 x 14.9 inches