Pickleball 5.0: A Journey from 2.0 to 5.0

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Author: Phil Dunmeyer

Format: Kindle eBook

Number Of Pages: 282

Release Date: 2017-11-23

Details: A pickleball book for everyone written for players of all skill-levels. Whether you are just beginning to play, intermediate, or advanced, this book will provide you with a complete overview and coverage of all aspects of pickleball play and strategies. By reading, visualizing, and applying the concepts and strategies in this book you will be able to start your journey from 2.0-5.0+ from whatever skill-level you are currently playing. In addition, there is a little bit of teacher in each one of us and this book is packed full of teaching and instructional ideas to help all of us continue to grow this great sport of pickleball.

Languages: English